This kind of thing is very popular to complain about in Norway, NAV as it is called here, is the social support system we have, similar to the dole in the UK.
It helps us get jobs, or helps us with money untill we get jobs, or support you for life if you got a disability ect! It does sound a bit silly that this is the system we complain a lot about here... but it is! Because it's a very faulty system, it gives support to lazy people who can't be arsed to work and it sometimes let sick people fall into the cracks of the system and it really fucks people over.
Now this is not what I am going to write about, because in general I think the system works as well as you can expect, it deals with thousands of people every single day and MOST do get the help that they need. What I do not like with this office is that they hire anyone who can do the jobs in their office, at least this is how I see it. I have been in this system ever since I was old enough to be "their problem"! Every person involved with them get's their own case worker... I've had a few... and oh my f'ing god. THEY ARE MORONS. I met ONE person, that had actually read my file thru all these years there, ONE person who had any clue what would be a realistic goal for me, ONE person who listened and actually cared what my life ended up being. Clearly this is not the person who I get to stick with as my contact there, that would be too easy...
The people that know me are aware that I do not work, I can not work and I probably will never be able to keep a full time job, maybe with the right help I will in a few years be able to do part time! So I get support from NAV! (Despite the silly people that work there.) And I really appreciate the fact that I do get help and I am able to live on my own with the help form this system. Thank you Norway <3 (Despite the silly people that work there.)
But now... I have a question... I once again am looking for logic in something I've been told and I cannot find it! The very first time I went to a meeting with NAV, I believe I was about 17 back then, we were discussing what kind of support I should get from them and I had papers from doctors and all the needed stuff to prove I needed their help long term. But yet they insisted I only needed a temporary setup because "You are too young to settle with this support! You will get better and get a job soon so you don't need us anymore!" Ok, I can get that... IF that was even remotely realistic.... I told them and doctors told them that I was not going to be able to get better soon! So please give me long term help.. but they refused...
I settled with that, because I kinda saw their point.. even tho my papers said I had been unable to do this for a loooong time, they had not seen it for themselves. So OK, I'll give them a couple of years and maybe they will give me long term help then! So I don't have to wonder every month if I will have money to pay my bills this time....
It's now been 5 years. They still tell me I'm too young to get long term help... so I still have to wonder every month... and hope it will work out with the bills. It mostly does! Thank god for that! But it's starting to annoy me now... When am I old enough to earn the right to long term help? Are they just hoping I'll stop asking one day so they won't have to pay me properly? It's not like it's a lot more I get from them as in cash, but what I do get is the right to get a loan from a bank, help to buy a house or a car... I can't qualify for anything as it is now, because I am listed as "temporary" with them.
This is clearly bullshit, why are they doing this? It's not their personal money? They clearly know I am going to need their help forever... So WHYYYY! What's the point? Just to be assholes? I think that must be it.
I will just keep nagging them till they give in... maybe when I am older then the case worker they assign me I won't be too young anymore... ...
More logical then NAV workers: