Wednesday, 11 July 2012

The Right People

Lately I've been realizing that there are the right kind of people and the wrong kind of people you can surround yourself with.

The wrong kind is the people that when you speak to them you have to sit and think before you answer to make sure you say the right thing, if you say the wrong thing it's a huge pile of drama. 
The wrong kind is the people that drains your energy, after hanging out with them you just want to sleep and not talk to anyone for a while.

The wrong kind is the people that make you not want to have friends, family or any more contact with society really. 

But then there is the right kind of people!

The right kind is the people that even on a crap day they make you forget you're upset.

The right kind is the people that when you are tired they will make you act like a hyper active happy child instead of falling asleep.

The right kind is the people that makes you feel like you do have the strength to deal with the world, day after day. 

When the world seems to hate you, and makes your life continuously shit, you NEED the right kind of people around you, as hippy like as it sounds you need people with good energy!

In my opinion the general people you include in your everyday life should be a source of happiness and enjoyment, why have friends or stay close with family who don't make you happy? You might make someone upset by staying away from them, but don't waste your energy on people that only leech! Use it on people that deserve it.

If you have a friend or a family member that makes you feel better just by having a conversation about anything at all, then make sure they know you love them to bits! And that you really appreciate the fact you are lucky enough to have them in your life. 

Those of you who are like this to me I believe you all ready do know, at least my friends do (and to my mum this concerns you too!). I love you so much! And I could not go a day without you all. You give me strength and make me smile! And I hope I can be a "right kind of person" to you guys as well! :) 


  1. Du e flink å skrive:) Du glømte å nevne yndlingspersonen din, men alle forstår sikkert at du meina utenom MEEJ <3 omglolkjærleik

  2. Hahaha, sorry Gunni! <3 Omglolkjærleik tilbake!
