Thursday, 7 June 2012

Holiday Traditions

While doing a paper for social studies about how the typical Norwegian family celebrates a few different holidays I had a realization.. What about the people that don't have family around, who don't have a bunch of traditions to go through, who spend these holidays alone. What do they do?

I actually have NO clue what those people do! At all! But I've come up with some theories!

1. They pool together money for a massive party! People from all across the country come to this one house where they celebrate the fact that they don't have to do ANY silly traditions that your family insists you should! They hire people from all across the world to entertain them! Loads of drinks and food served! And just party the entire day!

2. It's a conspiracy .... These are the people that watch over us.. and keep us in line... And on holidays when everyone is doing stuff.. They sneak into the houses while you go to church, visit family or stuff like that! Plant video cameras in your house and watches your every move! Dun dun dun... Scary shit! 

3. Giant squids stole their family and is keeping them hostage for as long as these people take to gather all of Norway's Oil supply and give it to them! 

BUT, on a more serious note: why are they alone? I'm sure they all got some friends that could have room for one more at their table! If they want to be alone sure, but I'm quite convinced they would still appreciate the offer. Most people don't wish to be alone, especially not during holidays, take a friend into your home and let them be a party of your family for a day instead. 

I love you all lonely people! <3 You can come visit me any holiday! (This statement does not count for my friends who might want to take advantage.)

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