I pity the fool! Who feels more sorry for him/herself then anyone else in the entire world in general!
Have you ever known one of those... the people who will go "I got a paper cut AND had a rough day at work, why does the world hate me so much!".
I see people like this actually say this people with real problems, and I admire those who have to listen to that crap... how do they resist the urge to punch them in the face?
If you walk past a homeless person sitting in the street with a needle next to him what do you think to yourself?
- Can't he get off the street, this is gross and scary.
- I wonder what happened in his life to make it come to this, I hope he finds his way back.
Should we pity you for having to deal with this in your town? Or pity him for having his life ruined somehow? To me there is a pretty clear answer to this! And I can not believe some people don't see it, how self absorbed can one human possibly be?
"Oh it sucks that I have to pay taxes to help people who can't make their own money."
Yes I'm sure paying a bit of your paycheck to help others is way worse then not being able to take care of yourself, not being able to life your life to the fullest.... That's not bad at all! Because they get your money!
Should invent a new TV show.. Life switch! You send some whining person into the life of someone who has nothing, then maybe, just MAYBE they will find some sort of self awareness hidden deep inside their souls.
From personal experience I have more then once uttered words like these "Oh I am terribly sorry that my severe depression is coming in the way of you wanting me to come drinking with you tonight...I will cheer up and join since you really wanted me too!"
Fun part is, not everyone noticed the sarcastic tone!
I have many very very angry words to say to people like that! But I will keep them to myself, you can come up with your own! ;)