Thursday, 24 May 2012

Pity the fool!

I pity the fool! Who feels more sorry for him/herself then anyone else in the entire world in general!

Have you ever known one of those... the people who will go "I got a paper cut AND had a rough day at work, why does the world hate me so much!".
I see people like this actually say this people with real problems, and I admire those who have to listen to that crap... how do they resist the urge to punch them in the face?

If you walk past a homeless person sitting in the street with a needle next to him what do you think to yourself?
- Can't he get off the street, this is gross and scary.
- I wonder what happened in his life to make it come to this, I hope he finds his way back.

Should we pity you for having to deal with this in your town? Or pity him for having his life ruined somehow? To me there is a pretty clear answer to this! And I can not believe some people don't see it, how self absorbed can one human possibly be? 

"Oh it sucks that I have to pay taxes to help people who can't make their own money." 
Yes I'm sure paying a bit of your paycheck to help others is way worse then not being able to take care of yourself, not being able to life your life to the fullest.... That's not bad at all! Because they get your money! 

Should invent a new TV show.. Life switch! You send some whining person into the life of someone who has nothing, then maybe, just MAYBE they will find some sort of self awareness hidden deep inside their souls. 

From personal experience I have more then once uttered words like these "Oh I am terribly sorry that my severe depression is coming in the way of you wanting me to come drinking with you tonight...I will cheer up and join since you really wanted me too!"
Fun part is, not everyone noticed the sarcastic tone! 

I have many very very angry words to say to people like that! But I will keep them to myself, you can come up with your own! ;)

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Religion II: Why does it exist and what is it for?

I've been wondering a lot about where religion came from, as someone wrote the books once a long long time ago... And no disrespect to anyone religious but I think it was just invented! There are so many religions, all over the world... it is unlikely that all are true is it not? Well it is actually impossible... as half of them say the others do not exist... or what the others believe is  true is actually blasphemy. Very confusing thing religion, how can one stand by one and tell others theirs is true and others are not? You simply can't do that, what you can say tho is your religion is the right one for you.

The reason people started writing these books, and telling people about this "higher power" that looks after us and decides our faith, I believe it has to be to help the ones that are scared, scared about life, about death... and of everything we can not control ourselves! It's a fair thing to worry about, both life and death... and without religion we can't really comfort those who ask the sad questions can we? Why did she die and not someone else? Who will help me when I got not family or friends? Do I disappear when I die? 
There are so many so difficult questions that no one can really give an answer to, and it's hard! It is very hard for people to just not know, something this important. 

I imagine this is how religion started... someone wanted to give people a comforting answer! There is someone who watches over you, and will help you when you are in need! Guide you when you are lost, and take care of you when you die and you will live on forever there! Is this not the best answer you could give anyone that ask those question? Of course it is! Most people would love to hear those! 

All over the world, societies were getting more and more evolved, people were asking more questions, wondering why, what and when! Well... they had to be told something from their "leaders", they were ment to know! 

Religion is a wonderful thing to be honest, it can give people security, and comfort them in hard times. I love the thought of it all! 
Sadly I can't convince myself that I believe any of it, I do really want to though! 
I believe in me, I believe I am the only one who controls what I do or not do! If i mess up then it's on me, and if I wish to get taken care of by some "higher power" I probably should marry a really rich strong and tall guy and settle down! 

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Religion: Raising Children

 So, starting with a big subject! I have many long speeches about religion ready but I'm going to get going with how people teach their children about religion.

It really annoys me how some people actually dare to teach their children what they should and should not believe in. I realise you can't let you're children believe what ever they want about everything, but religion... this is something that exists to make people feel better, we can all agree on that, no matter what god you pray to, or no god for that matter. We all want something to believe in, to help you through life when it get's rough! How is it in any way ok for anyone to tell someone else what should be their help in life, that is a very personal and long process. For anyone to be able to say they are "Christian" or "Buddhist" and stand by it you will have to have studied the religion! No one can say they believe in something without knowing what it is.

There are many ways to teach kids about religion, and you can tell them what you believe if you want, but please do not tell them what they believe. That is THEIR choice. No one else can decide this for them.

I have seen kids who as soon as they turn 18 say they are going to go spread Gods word, this is the path Jesus has told them to go! It makes me so angry... like any 18 year old that has been raised with a open mind to choose it's own path will say that... Maybe, eventually! But not when you are that young... At least it is VERY unlikely this child one day went: "There must be a big superman sitting in the sky watching over us all, and if I make other people believe in him I will go to a good place when I die!" Has to be a bit influence from other people there.. at least that's what I think...

But by all means if you when you are 16 sit down and read about Christianity and decide this is what you believe in then go knock yourself out! 

I can very happily say that I as a 18 year old girl had no clue if my mother and father were christian or not, even though I was baptised as a baby, it never really occurred to me! We never talked about religion that much in our home.. I knew about a lot of gods, but when someone asked me if I believed in God... I don't know? Did I? It took me some time to think... But no, I am not a Christian! And I figured that out all on my own! As of now I'm still not really sure I am anything! Religion wise that is...! I believe in faith I think.. maybe... I'm not really sure! Maybe I will find out someday! But I am SO happy no one else has ever told me what I am allowed to believe and what not! Of course I would have had to believe the opposite of whatever I was told to if that had been the case... And I am glad I am not a Satanist! 
Let the children be children, religion they can worry about when they need something more! As children we should be happy and unknowing of all the silly disputes in the world.

 (He doesn't care if there is a god, so why should kids!